We are delighted to announce the first meeting of the Instance régionale de médiation grand est.

It will take place on June 03, 2024 from 9am to 5:15pm in theAmphithéâtre Lepois of the Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique et Métiers de la Santé in Nancy.

This day is open to all, free of charge, with compulsory registration with ARS Grand Est.

On this occasion, we will be honored to welcome Ms. Danielle TOUPILLIER, National Mediator for the personnel of FPH establishments at the Ministry of Health and Prevention.

Our institute is a partner of this event.

For further information, please contact
qvt-mediateur-grandest@sante.gouv.fr or direction@institut-europeen-thermalisme.fr

Below is the link to the registration form: