
  • To support and develop training in the thermalism sector and in public health.
  • To integrate the teaching of thermalism in the medical curriculum and that of the health professions.
  • Establish bridges between these different curricula.
  • Promote and encourage the establishment of new professional training courses.
  • To label the training provided.
  • Develop these training courses in an European level.
  • To promote training courses in the field of thermalism and related sciences.

Our diplomas

Get in touch

  • +33 6 83 48 70 87

  • Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique et métiers de la Santé à Nancy
    Campus Biologie-Santé
    9, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
    BP 20199
    54505 Vandœuvre-Lès-Nancy Cedex

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