To support and develop training in the thermalism sector and in public health.
To integrate the teaching of thermalism in the medical curriculum and that of the health professions.
Establish bridges between these different curricula.
Promote and encourage the establishment of new professional training courses.
To label the training provided.
Develop these training courses in an European level.
To promote training courses in the field of thermalism and related sciences.
Our diplomas
This diploma aims to train the future thermal doctor and to acquire general and transversal knowledge for doctors practicing in this field.
The objective of this training is to acquire the skills necessary to work in a thermal environment within the scope of one’s initial profession.
This training course for medical doctors trains future spa doctors
The thermal agent takes care of the curists in the thermal care units of the thermal establishments.
Get in touch
+33 6 83 48 70 87
Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique et métiers de la Santé à Nancy
Campus Biologie-Santé
9, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
BP 20199
54505 Vandœuvre-Lès-Nancy Cedex