About us

The modernization and diversification of thermal medicine must free itself from the limits of classic thermalism to approach the benefits of thermal water in a rigorous scientific approach, concerned with demonstrating the Medical Service Rendered (SMR) and proposing new treatments for new orientations with innovative protocols.

The main ambition of the IET is to imagine and develop the thermalism of tomorrow, by transferring research results.

Intégration des interactions santé, soins, équilibre mental et nutritionnel.
Renforcement des activités physiques en eau et de la kiné- balnéothérapie en cure thermale.
Création d’un observatoire de la médecine thermale Nancy/Grand Est avec l’appui de l’agence Scalen.
Patient pathway
Conduite de réflexion sur l'évolution du parcours du patient et la modulation de la durée des cures.
Project management
Conduite de projets d'innovation : Intelligence artificielle et services numériques.
Développement de l'éducation thérapeutique.

Direction Comittee


Organization of the Institute

Direction Comittee

Develops all of the institute’s projects and strategic orientations.

Elaborates the rules of procedure and is responsible for their application.

Scientific Committee on Education & Research Studies

Selection of research projects.
Selection of expert members.
Developer/Financing Link.
Consulting, engineering and validation of pedagogical models.

Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee

Gives advice on the orientations and projects of the EIT.

External Experts Committee

Gives an opinion on the quality of the scientific and pedagogical work
Proposes research directions

Projects and Partnerships Committee

In charge of projects and external partnerships.

Get in touch

  • +33 6 83 48 70 87

  • Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique et métiers de la Santé à Nancy
    Campus Biologie-Santé
    9, avenue de la Forêt de Haye
    BP 20199
    54505 Vandœuvre-Lès-Nancy Cedex

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